The CREE 5000 Lumen XML U2 LED HeadLight was a topic of discussion at Ride Dual Sport. The product seemed well built from the pics and at less than $18 shipped it seemed like a must try.
The unit comes complete with a the LED light, rechargeable battery (with a nice nylon case), handle bar mount, and charger.
The light feels solid and well built.
So how does it perform? First off; it's bright. Really bright!!! There are three brightness setting, but honestly, the dimmest seems plenty bright. I ran the light from full charge to dead on LOW and HIGH. On LOW a 4.5 hour run time was observed. A Keithley 2110 5 1/2 digit precision digital multimeter was used to record current draw.
The battery pack puts out 8VDC, so don't connect the headlight straight to a 12VDC motorcycle or car battery without spending 60 cents for 7808 regulation.
Current shown by the Keithley 2110 with the unit in STANDBY mode; ~50 hours estimated.

Current shown by the Keithley 2110 with the unit in LOW mode; 4.5 hours observed.
Current shown by the Keithley 2110 with the unit in MEDIUM mode; ~2 hours estimated.

Current shown by the Keithley 2110 with the unit in HIGH mode; 1.5 hours observed.
The unit is built well, works great, and is a fantastic value.