Sunday, December 18, 2016

Low Cost Bi-Directional Level Shift Module Characterization (TE291)

From time to time the level shift module pictured above has come in handy.  They do a great job shifting 3.3VDC to 5VDC logic or 5VDC logic to 3.3VDC logic.  The cost is about $1USD and hookup is simple.  Of course they are designed for low speed digital signals but, we wondered how the module would handle higher speeds.
The Bench Setup:
Keithley 2230G-30-1 power supply for the 3.3VDC and 5VDC power.

Tektronix AFG3252C function generator for the square wave (3.3V and 5V logic) stimulus.

Tektronix MDO4104C oscilloscope to capture the input/output signals.

The Result:
Performance was very good, especially considering these module are often used in the 100KHz and below range.  Leveling from 5V to 3.3V had better results.  The signals start looking ridiculous over 1MHz. Take a look at the scope shots below.
3.3V Level Shifted to 5V at 10KHz, 100KHz, 500KHz, and 1MHz
(Yellow = Input; Blue = Output)

 5V Level Shifted to 3.3V at 10KHz, 100KHz, 500KHz, and 1MHz
(Yellow = Input; Blue = Output)


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Portable ESP8266 WiFi Sniffer (Arduino IDE)

The ESP8266 modules are so cheap who could resist experimenting with one.  For about $8USD a few things you get are 9 GPIOs, I2C/SPI support, an ADC, and on board WiFi or other goodies.  In addition it's all programmable in the Arduino IDE that is familiar to many and has a good user support network.

This example application shows a quick and easy way to get a portable 'WarDriver' with the WiFi ESP8266 and an OLED display.

No resistors, etc. needed; connect it up like this:

    Pinout Connections
ESP8266                  OLED
3VDC <<==+==>> Vcc
  GND <<==+==>> GND
 SCL(5) <<==+==>> SCL
 SDA(4) <<==+==>> SDA

Take a look at the source code below for the links on installing ESP8266 capability to the Arduino IDE.  Chances are if you are reading this you already have the Arduino IDE installed; just make sure you are running at least Rev 1.6.8.  Then upload the source code to the ESP8266 and your up.
Here is a sample of the rig running in a random parking lot a fair distance from an apartment complex.  Eight networks were found; all encrypted.  The OLED displays the number of networks, SSID name, signal strength (dBm), and if the network is OPEN or Encrypted.
One thing that was a surprise is how many cars have OPEN WiFi running.  Also, pretty much every long haul 18 wheeler heading down the interstate is a rolling WiFi hotspot, but most (not all) are Encrypted.
Here is the source code to push into the ESP8266 via the Arduino IDE:

 * WhiskeyTangoHotel.Com /  NOV2016
 * 'WarDriver' ESP8266 Adafruit HUZZAH w/ WiFi and 32 line OLED
 *   Scan WiFi networks leverages from:
 *   OLED Driver: Thanks,
 *   Compile for 80MHz with Arduino IDE
 *      Arduino IDE 1.6.8 or greater
 *      ESP8266 Board Package
 *      Enter into Additional Board Manage
 *      Restart, select your ESP8266 from the Tools->Board dropdown
#include "ESP8266WiFi.h"  // API for the ESP8266 WiFi

// Setup the 32 line OLED 
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(OLED_RESET);

#if (SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT != 32)  // change to 64 for larger OLED. See error trap next line.
#error("Height incorrect, please fix Adafruit_SSD1306.h!"); 

int screen_roll_delay = 800; // How long to leave Network info on OLED. Delay is executed four times (for LED blink)

void setup() {
  // Setup and test writes to the OLED and Serial Monitor (ESP8266 expects Serial Monitor at 115200 baud)
  // Some more OLED setup
  display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);
  display.clearDisplay();    // Clear the buffer.
  display.println("2.4GHz WiFi Scanner");
  Serial.begin(115200); // Display to serial monitor as well as OLED
  Serial.println("Setup begins....");

  // Set WiFi to station mode and disconnect from an AP if it was previously connected

  Serial.println("Setup completes!!!");
  display.println("      .Com");
  delay(5000);  // Welcome/Test screen delay.
}  // end void setup

void loop() {
  Serial.println("Scan starts...");

  // update OLED

  // WiFi.scanNetworks will return the number of networks found as variable "n"
  digitalWrite(0, HIGH);  // On board LED ON
  int n = WiFi.scanNetworks();
  Serial.println(" and completes!!!");
  if (n == 0) {  // No WiFi found.  Update the Serial Monitor and the OLED
    Serial.println("No WiFi found!!!");

    // update OLED
    display.println("No WiFi found!!!");
    digitalWrite(0, LOW);  // On board LED OFF
  }      // endif n=0 (no wifi found)
  else  // wifi found
    Serial.println(" Networks found:");

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      digitalWrite(0, HIGH);  // On board LED ON
      // Print SSID and RSSI for each network found to Serial Monitor. Show SSID, Signal strenght, and OPEN or Encrypted
      Serial.print(i + 1);
      Serial.print(": ");
      Serial.print(": ");
      Serial.print("dBm | ");
      Serial.println((WiFi.encryptionType(i) == ENC_TYPE_NONE)?"Not Encrypted":"Encrypted");

      //update OLED with found WiFi. Show SSID, Signal strenght, and OPEN or Encrypted
      display.print("Network ");
      display.print(" of ");
      display.print("dBm | ");
      display.println((WiFi.encryptionType(i) == ENC_TYPE_NONE)?"OPEN":"Encrypted");

      delay(screen_roll_delay);  // Little delay to allow time to read OLED. Flash the on board LED just for fun.
      digitalWrite(0, LOW);   // On board LED OFF
      digitalWrite(0, HIGH);   // On board LED ON
      digitalWrite(0, LOW);   // On board LED OFF
    }  // end for/next loop for n# of wifi networks found
  }   // endif wifi found (n was <> 0)
}  // end void loop (endless)
Thanks for the visit.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Prime Numbers in a Box

How many times have you needed the next prime number in a sequence and, like some animal, had to go to a printed table to look it up.  Well, those days are over.
A prime number is any positive whole number that can only get evenly divided only by 1 and itself.  Primes are used in many applications; a popular use being for encryption and cryptography.  Demonstrated here is another use for prime numbers.  That is making use of an older/slower Raspberry PI and a few parts to nerd up the decor of any room.

A few Raspberry PI skills learned will be:
     - writing to text files
     - reading from text files
     - driving a low cost I2C LCD display
     - driving a relay via a transistor
     - simple graceful shutdown method for the RasPI with a button and a JST connector.
The project has an entertaining audio effect if you are into numbers.  Primes go on forever and ever; infinitely large.  The smallest numerical difference between two primes is 2 (example: 7-5=2).  What is interesting is the distance (difference) between two consecutive primes stays relatively low as the primes become very large.  Press a button and Primes in a Box gives a audible (relay click) signal for each non prime as it waits to display the next found prime.  If you enjoy mathematics you may find this oddly relaxing.
The python source is pretty straight forward.  On button press a pointer to a file containing the first few million primes is indexed and displayed on the LCD.  A 5VDC relay clicks to represent the non primes in between.  The rig runs via USB power and the last found prime is always saved.  A handy 'shutdown' button is incorporated to allow the Raspbery PI project to be powered down gracefully if it needs to be moved.
You'll need a Raspberry PI, 5VDC relay, PN2222A transistor, 16x2 I2C LCD, two resistors, and two normally open button switches.  A project box holds it all together.  Connect it all up like this:
Once on the breadboard it will look a bit like this:
Set up the RasPI to run the python code below at reboot (use @reboot in the sudo crontab).
Note, two files are expected to be found in the working directory:
     - prime_list.txt (List of prime numbers in order. One per line. As many as you like)
     - high_prime.txt (Holds the highest prime found in case of a restart/reboot)


#  WhiskeyTangoHotel.Com
#  OCT 2016
#  Program reads a file and displays prime # on LCD
#  On button press find next prime #.  Click a relay for each non prime
#  Write new highest prime to file to save if restarting the program
#  Gives an audible (relay click) representation of the distance between primes
#  Expects program to be in: /home/pi/RasPI/Programs-RasPI/Prime_Relay/
#  Leverages LCD script using I2C backpack for 16x2 and 20x4 screens.
#  Thanks to Matt Hawkins

import smbus  # for LCD I2C display
import time # fpr sleep and pause delays
import os # this is for the shutdown button press
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # to use Raspberry Pi board pin numbers
# set up GPIO output channel
Relay_Pin = 11 # pin to drive the relay clicks via 2222a transistor
GPIO.setup(Relay_Pin, GPIO.OUT)
Relay_delay = .1  # time delay between relay clicks

Switch = 8  # Button switch to move to next prime number
GPIO.setup(Switch, GPIO.IN)

reboot_pin = 26 #  Push this button and the RasPI shuts down gracefully
#Set pin to input and set pull-up resistor to hold the pin is high
GPIO.setup(reboot_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)


# Define some device parameters
I2C_ADDR  = 0x27 # I2C device address
LCD_WIDTH = 16   # Maximum characters per line

# Define some device constants
LCD_CHR = 1 # Mode - Sending data
LCD_CMD = 0 # Mode - Sending command

LCD_LINE_1 = 0x80 # LCD RAM address for the 1st line
LCD_LINE_2 = 0xC0 # LCD RAM address for the 2nd line
LCD_LINE_3 = 0x94 # LCD RAM address for the 3rd line
LCD_LINE_4 = 0xD4 # LCD RAM address for the 4th line

LCD_BACKLIGHT  = 0x08  # On
#LCD_BACKLIGHT = 0x00  # Off

ENABLE = 0b00000100 # Enable bit

# Timing constants
E_PULSE = 0.0005
E_DELAY = 0.0005

#Open I2C interface
#bus = smbus.SMBus(0)  # Rev 1 Pi uses 0
bus = smbus.SMBus(1) # Rev 2 Pi uses 1 RasPI(Bob)

def lcd_init():
 # Initialise display
 lcd_byte(0x33,LCD_CMD) # 110011 Initialise
 lcd_byte(0x32,LCD_CMD) # 110010 Initialise
 lcd_byte(0x06,LCD_CMD) # 000110 Cursor move direction
 lcd_byte(0x0C,LCD_CMD) # 001100 Display On,Cursor Off, Blink Off 
 lcd_byte(0x28,LCD_CMD) # 101000 Data length, number of lines, font size
 lcd_byte(0x01,LCD_CMD) # 000001 Clear display

def lcd_byte(bits, mode):
 # Send byte to data pins
 # bits = the data
 # mode = 1 for data
 #        0 for command

 bits_high = mode | (bits & 0xF0) | LCD_BACKLIGHT
 bits_low = mode | ((bits<<4) & 0xF0) | LCD_BACKLIGHT

 # High bits
 bus.write_byte(I2C_ADDR, bits_high)

 # Low bits
 bus.write_byte(I2C_ADDR, bits_low)

def lcd_toggle_enable(bits):
 # Toggle enable
 bus.write_byte(I2C_ADDR, (bits | ENABLE))
 bus.write_byte(I2C_ADDR,(bits & ~ENABLE))

def lcd_string(message,line):
 # Send string to display
 message = message.ljust(LCD_WIDTH," ")
 lcd_byte(line, LCD_CMD)
 for i in range(LCD_WIDTH):

# Highest calulated prime is stored in a file.  Get that number
highprime = open('/home/pi/RasPI/Programs-RasPI/Prime_Relay/high_prime.txt','r')
storedprime = (highprime.readline())
storedprime_val = int(storedprime)
print ' '
print "Recalled highest prime from file is: " + storedprime
print ' '

#Put status on LCD
lcd_string("Init to last",LCD_LINE_1)
lcd_string("prime: " + str(storedprime_val),LCD_LINE_2)

def main():
 # Main program block 
 # Relay test clicks
 for i in range(1, 3):  
  GPIO.output(Relay_Pin,GPIO.HIGH) # Close relay
  GPIO.output(Relay_Pin,GPIO.LOW) # Open relay
 # Set the pointer to the correct place in the file that holds the prime list
 # prime_list.txt contains primes to 1,299,709
 primefile = open('/home/pi/RasPI/Programs-RasPI/Prime_Relay/prime_list.txt','r')
 currentprime_val = 0

 while storedprime_val > currentprime_val:
  currentprime = (primefile.readline())
  currentprime_val = int(currentprime)
 # Update the LCD
 lcd_string("PRESS for next",LCD_LINE_1)
 lcd_string("prime: " + str(currentprime_val),LCD_LINE_2)
 # Relay test clicks
 for i in range(1, 3): 
  GPIO.output(Relay_Pin,GPIO.HIGH) # Close relay
  GPIO.output(Relay_Pin,GPIO.LOW) # Open relay
 while True:
  if (GPIO.input(reboot_pin) == 0):
   # Update the LCD
   lcd_string("Primes in a Box",LCD_LINE_1)
   lcd_string("shutting down!!!" + str(currentprime_val),LCD_LINE_2)
   #Send command to system to shutdown
   os.system("sudo shutdown -h now")
  if (GPIO.input(Switch) == 0):
   # Update the LCD
   lcd_string("Calculating next",LCD_LINE_1)
   lcd_string("prime: " + str(currentprime_val),LCD_LINE_2)
   oldprime = currentprime_val
   currentprime = (primefile.readline())
   currentprime_val = int(currentprime)
   deltaprime = currentprime_val - oldprime 
   for i in range(1, deltaprime+1):  # click relay for each non prime between primes
    #print i
    GPIO.output(Relay_Pin,GPIO.HIGH) # Close relay
    GPIO.output(Relay_Pin,GPIO.LOW) # Open relay

   #Write the prime to a file so it can be recalled at prog start
   hp = open("/home/pi/RasPI/Programs-RasPI/Prime_Relay/high_prime.txt","w")
   print "CURRENT " +  str(currentprime_val)
   print "    OLD " + str(oldprime)
   print '------- '
   print "  DELTA " +  str(deltaprime)
   #print i
   print ' '

   # Update the LCD
   lcd_string("PRESS for next",LCD_LINE_1)
   lcd_string("prime: " + str(currentprime_val),LCD_LINE_2)


if __name__ == '__main__':

 except KeyboardInterrupt:
  lcd_byte(0x01, LCD_CMD)
Thanks for the visit and happy prime numbering!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Keep Tabs on the Devices Connected to Your LAN

Like most people, we have tons of things connected via WiFi to our router.  Be it AppleTVs, Rasberry PIs, Amazon Echos, weather stations, overhead airplane trackers, security cameras, etc. etc. etc....  The problem arises when you think and expect a device to "work" and it doesn't.  Is it the device? Is it the service being accessed? VNC server not running?  Most of the time "all is well", but if it isn't it can be frustrating.  Who knew the security camera was down?  Why can't I VNC into that Raspberry PI?  Most of us have been there and this project helps solve the problem.
We had in the 'warehouse'  a Raspberry PI Zero (mainly because it was cheap so why not) and a BLINKT (who doesn't like flashy light things) doing nothing and just waiting for a project.  Setting up the gear to monitor our LAN seemed perfect for the pair.

The solution is pretty straight forward: Get the RaspBerry PI Zero on your LAN via WiFi.  Plug in the BLINKT module.  Every thirty seconds or so send a ping to an IP of a device on your network.
If the device IP ping is good then
     - flash the BLINKT green.
If the device IP ping is bad then
     - retest the device just to make certain the failure wasn't an anomaly.
     - two failed pings back to back then flash the BLINKT red and log the failure to a Google Drive Sheet.

The rig works perfectly.  We can check the Google Drive Sheet or the BLINKT quickly see if anything on the LAN is down.  We use to log the failures to the Google Drive Sheet.  We can just as easily use to send out a text message, post a Tweet, call our phone, or a host of other supported actions.  In short, it is pretty darn useful.

Here is what a sample output to the Google Drive Sheet looks like:
You will need an and Google logons if you want to log ping status to a Google Drive Sheet.  Both are useful for a few hundred reasons, so if you don't have one then get one - they are free.

#!/usr/bin/env python

# LocalPing Testing/Tracking
# RasPI Zero with BLINKT module attached
# BLINKT scans back/forth with delay in mS = to CPU % use (45% = ,45 Secs)
# After a set delay (var = Ping_test_how_often)
# Checks if tracked IPs are up on the LAN. 
#      - If device ping passes, flash all BLINKT LEDs green.
#            - however, if there was a ping fail in the last xx (var = Ping_check) flash 1st LED as RED and rest as GREEN.
#      - If device ping Fails two pings back to back:
#            - use IFTTT Maker Channel to log the failed ping to a Google Drive sheet
#            - write the falied ping information to the terminal
# WhiskeyTangoHotel.Com - AUG2016

import os # allows for the ping calls
import time # for sleeps and localtime prints
import random # for random number generation
import psutil # for ping system calls
from blinkt import set_pixel, show, set_brightness, clear #

# Set up for IFTTT triggering
import requests # needed to get https request to IFTTT web page
MAKER_SECRET_KEY = "xxxyyyzzz1234561890"  #this is your IFTTT Maker Channel secret key

PingSiteIP = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]   # holds the IP or DNS name of the site being pinged
PingSiteName = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]   # Friendly/Human name for the device

# Identify IPs that you want to track on your LAN
# PingSiteName[] can be anything. It is the "human" name for the IP
# Enter the 'x' part of the IP; the last number of the IP address without the '.'
IP_Prefix = "192.168.0."  # typically 192.168.0. or 192.168.1.  DON'T FORGET THE LAST '.'
PingSiteIP[1] = "11"
PingSiteName[1] = "RasPI(Upper)"
PingSiteIP[2] = "14"
PingSiteName[2] = "RasPI(Lower)"
PingSiteIP[3] = "20"
PingSiteName[3] = "Security(NW)"
PingSiteIP[4] = "23"
PingSiteName[4] = "Security(Drive)"
PingSiteIP[5] = "32"
PingSiteName[5] = "Security(SE)"
PingSiteIP[6] = "13"
PingSiteName[6] = "ElectricImp"

PingSiteIP[7] = "27)"
PingSiteName[7] = "RasPI(Airplanes)"
PinsSiteIP[8] = "49"
PingSiteName[8] = "RasPI(Weather)"
PingSiteIP[9] = "45"
PingSiteName[9] = "Printer(HP)"

Num_ping_sites = 9   # Make sure this matches the above number of site entries

Single_test_site = 1 # Must be 1; I did not want to start at array 0
Flash_on = .05       # Secs to keep ping status LEDs on
Flash_off = .2       # Secs to keep ping status LEDs off
Failed_ping = 0      # FLAG for if there is a failed ping in the last Ping_check trys then turn one green light red
Second_try_delay = 20    # seconds to wait to config falied ping on device (Yellow LEDs scan during this delay)
Ping_check = 15         # see comment above for Failed_Ping
Ping_check_counter = Ping_check # Counts Ping_check, decrements and resets at Zero
Ping_test_how_often = 10 # 10 is ~30 secs depending on delay from CPU load. Dont ping test on every cpu speed check
Every_x_times = Ping_test_how_often # decrementing counter for the Ping_test_how_often var
set_brightness(0.05) # 0.05 is lowest usable dim.  1.0 is full bright (the BLINKT is *really* bright if you want!)
LED_Delay = 0        # Controls the LED to LED scan speed. This is adjusted in the program after reading CPU % load
r_largest_wanted_value = 10  # these vars control the max amount of R, G, or B you desire. Also helps with more dimming.
g_largest_wanted_value = 10  # during the CPU load status LED back and forth scan on the BLINKT
b_largest_wanted_value = 255 # For example: 10, 10, 255 would mean favor BLUE hues.

Current_day = time.strftime("%d", time.localtime()) # what day of the month is it
New_day_dawned = Current_day # 1st run after midnight update the Google Sheet. Use to verify the prog has not stopped running
Failed_since_midnight = 0

print " "
print "Writing header information to Google Sheet..."
#Triggers the IFTTT Maker channel "local_ping" to create an information header
url = "" + MAKER_SECRET_KEY + "?value1=" + "*************************"
res = requests.get(url)
#print str(res) + " is web request result. "   #used only for debug

print "Testing LEDs..."
print "---------------------------------------------"
#LED test and some delay for the IFTTT calls
for j in range (0,8):
    set_pixel(j, 30, 0, 0)
time.sleep(Flash_on * j)
for j in range (0,8):
    set_pixel(j, 0, 30, 0)
time.sleep(Flash_on * j)
for j in range (0,8):
    set_pixel(j, 0, 0, 30)
time.sleep(Flash_on * j)   

for sheet_header in range (1, Num_ping_sites + 1):
    #this triggers the IFTTT Maker channel "local_ping" to update the google sheet.
    url = "" + MAKER_SECRET_KEY + "?value1=" + "Tracking " + PingSiteName[sheet_header] + "&value2=" + IP_Prefix + str(PingSiteIP[sheet_header])
    res = requests.get(url)
    #print str(res) + " is web request result. "   #used only for debug
    print str(sheet_header) + ") " + PingSiteName[sheet_header] + " at " + IP_Prefix + str(PingSiteIP[sheet_header])
    #LED test and some delay for the IFTTT calls
    for j in range (0,8):
        set_pixel(j, 30, 0, 0)
    time.sleep(Flash_on * j)
    for j in range (0,8):
        set_pixel(j, 0, 30, 0)
    time.sleep(Flash_on * j)
    for j in range (0,8):
        set_pixel(j, 0, 0, 30)
    time.sleep(Flash_on * j)       

clear() # all LEDS off
url = "" + MAKER_SECRET_KEY + "?value1=" + "*************************"
res = requests.get(url)
#print str(res) + " is web request result. "   #used only for debug
print " "
print "Done with test!!!"
localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
print localtime + ": Tracking begins for the devices listed..."
print " "

time.sleep(1) # let CPU% settle from prog load

while True:
    #LED delay is established randomly
    #random.seed() # seed off the CPU clock
    #r = random.random()
    #LED_Delay = (int((r * 10) + 1)) / 100.0
    #LED delay is equal to %CPU usage in mSec (45% = .45 Secs)
    LED_Delay = psutil.cpu_percent() / 100.0

    random.seed() # seed off the CPU clock
    r = random.random()
    red = int((r * r_largest_wanted_value) + 1)
    random.seed() # seed off the CPU clock
    r = random.random()
    green = int((r * g_largest_wanted_value) + 1)

    random.seed() # seed off the CPU clock
    r = random.random()
    blue = int((r * b_largest_wanted_value) + 1)   
    for i in range(8):       
        set_pixel(i , red, green, blue)

    #LED delay is established randomly
    #random.seed() # seed off the CPU clock
    #r = random.random()
    #LED_Delay = (int((r * 10) + 1)) / 100.0
    #LED delay is equal to %CPU usage in mSec (45% = .45mS)
    LED_Delay = psutil.cpu_percent() / 100.0

    random.seed() # seed off the CPU clock
    r = random.random()
    red = int((r * r_largest_wanted_value) + 1)
    random.seed() # seed off the CPU clock
    r = random.random()
    green = int((r * g_largest_wanted_value) + 1)

    random.seed() # seed off the CPU clock
    r = random.random()
    blue = int((r * b_largest_wanted_value) + 1)       

    for i in range(7, -1, -1):
        set_pixel(i , red, green, blue)
    # Local ping to see if all is up
    # But we don't want to check on every run so:
    if Every_x_times == 1: #  var is decremented in the else.  Check the ping
        Every_x_times = Ping_test_how_often
        if Single_test_site == Num_ping_sites:
            Single_test_site = 1
            Single_test_site = Single_test_site + 1           
        if Ping_check_counter == 0:
            Ping_check_counter = Ping_check
            Failed_ping = 0
            Ping_check_counter = Ping_check_counter -1       
        hostname = IP_Prefix + str(PingSiteIP[Single_test_site]) # OK, now the have selected one of our ping test sites
        # Ping test IP with os.system command
        response = os.system("ping -c 1 " + hostname + " >/dev/null")
        #print PingSiteName[Single_test_site] + " at IP " + str(PingSiteIP[Single_test_site])
        if response == 0:
            for    i in range (0,10): #flash all green
                for j in range (0,8):
                    if j ==0 and Failed_ping == 1:
                        set_pixel(j, 30, 0, 0)   # red pixel to show a recent failed ping
                        set_pixel(j, 0, 30, 0)
                for j in range (0,8):
                    set_pixel(j, 0, 0, 0)
        else: #response != 0:
            # Ping failed, but wait 5 seconds and try again.
            # Walk yellow LEDs to show re-test and to delay some before double checking the device ping
            for i in range(8):       
                set_pixel(i , 30, 30, 0)  # YELLOW LED walk
            for i in range(7, -1, -1):
                set_pixel(i , 30, 30, 0)
            response = os.system("ping -c 1 " + hostname + " >/dev/null") # let's check again to make certain the ping really failed.
            if response != 0:                                             # it take two back to back failed pings to consider that device down.
                Failed_since_midnight = Failed_since_midnight + 1  # resetable counted tracks the days failed ping count
                localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
                print localtime + ": Failed ping " + str(Failed_since_midnight) + " from " + PingSiteName[Single_test_site] + " at " + IP_Prefix + str(PingSiteIP[Single_test_site])
                #this triggers the IFTTT Maker channel "local_ping" to update the google sheet.
                url = "" + MAKER_SECRET_KEY + "?value1=" + "FailCount[" + str(Failed_since_midnight) + "]:" + PingSiteName[Single_test_site] + "&value2=" + IP_Prefix + str(PingSiteIP[Single_test_site])
                res = requests.get(url)
                #print str(res) + " is web request result. "   #used only for debug
                for    i in range (0,10): #flash all red
                    Failed_ping = 1
                    for j in range (0,8):
                        set_pixel(j, 30, 0, 0)
                    for j in range (0,8):
                        set_pixel(j, 0, 0, 0)
    else: # if Every_x_times == 0:
        Every_x_times = Every_x_times - 1
    # Last thing is check if this is a new day.  If yes, this write status to Google sheet
    Current_day = time.strftime("%d", time.localtime())
    if Current_day != New_day_dawned:
        url = "" + MAKER_SECRET_KEY + "?value1=" + ">>> Failed since midnight: " + str(Failed_since_midnight)
        res = requests.get(url)
        localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
        print " "
        print localtime + " >>> Failed since midnight: " + str(Failed_since_midnight)
        print " "
        Failed_since_midnight = 0
        New_day_dawned = Current_day       

Give it a try.  It was been very very useful here.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Home Automation via Bluetooth Proximity Awareness

Bluetooth devices are everywhere and so are Raspberry PI computers.  Here we show how to combine the two for some home automation.
If you are not interested in duplicating the build maybe this summary of what the rig does will change your mind:  Basically this allows any discoverable Bluetooth device (cell phone, smart watch, automobile, tablet, PC, toothbrush, etc.) to control GPIO outputs on the Raspberry PI.  For our use, the Raspberry PI monitors if one of the Bluetooth devices is found in range after being absent for a predetermined time.  If 'yes', turn ON some lighting in house so there is no fumbling around in the dark.  Then, turn the lights back OFF after a predetermined time.  It is easy to modify the Python source for other creative applications.

In addition to controlling the lights, the Bluetooth device "IN/OUT" status and other statistics are logged to the terminal and a Google Drive Sheet via IFTTT.
A while back we did a proof of concept.  In the video above the blue LED turns ON or OFF depending on if the Raspberry PI (with BT-LE dongle) senses a Bluetooth signal from the iPad.  iPad Bluetooth OFF then blue LED OFF.  iPad Bluetooth ON then blue LED on.  From this point it is a trivial task to switch a relay to control a brighter heavier load LED strip in place of the low current blue LED.
And here is a short video of the completed rig turning ON and OFF a LED strip light.  Note we are toggling GPIO13 (the relay control line) via WebIOPI.  It works the same with the recognized Bluetooth devices, but it would make for a long and boring video to show that.
 - Raspberry PI Model B
- WiFi USB dongle (already on board the Raspberry PI3 Model B)
- Bluetooth USB dongle (already on board the Raspberry PI3 Model B)
- Switching relay to control the light Only 1-channel needed, but more allows for expansion.  Spend the extra $1 for a unit like the one in the link with opto isolation built in to help protect your RasPI.
- LED light strip Switch low voltage for safety.  This light is what the relay turns on to light up the room.  Many examples in the link.
- Power supply for the RasPI, wire, maybe a USB hub, a few other very obvious things.
Connect it up like this:

When you get the rig together it will look something like this.  The RasPI pictured has a few extra 'things' attached to it to support our LAN status and "Internet Up" status monitoring projects (in addition to a few other chores).

Now for setting up the software...  The program has comments all throughout the code it to try to make things straightforward.  It is optional, but if you want to log the status of your Bluetooth devices to your Google Drive you need to do a few things first.
- Create a Google account if you don't have one.
- Create an IFTTT account you don't have one.
       - Connect the Google Drive channel and the Maker Channel.
       - Follow the IFTTT directions on creating a Maker Channel trigger to update a Goggle Drive file.
- Establish the Bluetooth devices that will be tracked.  Thanks to prb3333 the utilities and procedures to do this are on their site.  This project leverages their work and credits them in the source code below.
- Now, copy the source code below and paste it into your favorite Raspbery PI Python editor.  If you are logging to Goggle Drive with IFTTT adjust the Maker Channel 'secret code' to match the one assigned to your account.  If you decided not to log to Goggle Drive then comment out the IFTTT Maker Channel call statements in the code.
- Enter the Bluetooth addresses you want to track into the variables of the Python source. 
- Adjust the scan variables, number of tracked devices, ON time, etc. variables to meet your application needs.
All the wires connected?  Python script in the RasPI?  Variables adjusted to meet your needs?  Good job!  Save and run the script to enjoy the automation.

The logs to Goggle Drive and the RasPI terminal will look something like this:

Here is the Python source for the Raspberry PI:

# Bluetooth Device Data Logger and Light Turner Oner
# Logs BT Activity to Google Drive Sheet via IFTTT.Com Maker Channel
# WhiskeyTangoHotel.Com
# Based on:
# JULY 2016

# /home/pi/RasPI/Programs-RasPI/BTLogger/


import bluetooth
import requests # needed to get https request to IFTTT web page
import time
import datetime # to allow timestamp math
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

Device_name = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] # Friendly name of the BT device
Device_ID = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]   # BT identifier for device as xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Last_In = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] #Time of last check in.
Last_Out = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] #Time of last check out
Device_Status = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] # String info on if device is IN or OUT.
Device_Delta = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]  # Tracks the time a device has had the same BT check status

# BT device library (Use to find devices in discover mode)
# Set up the devices.  Change "Number_of_devices" var below to match.
Device_name[1] = "My iPhone 6S"
Device_ID[1] = "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"
Device_name[2] = "My Ford Edge Sync"
Device_ID[2] = "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"

# Program Control variables
Number_of_devices = 2 # this sets the value for the arrays loops in the program
Scan_interval = 30 # time in secs between BT scans.  Too fast will log phantom quick drops; 30 secs is good.
Noise_Filter = 2  # Only log deltas over xx min. Don't be confused by IN/OUT aliasing (worse as # gets larger)
Power_On_Treshold = 30 # Activate relay if device was OUT over xx minutes
Desired_relay_on_time = 10 # Keep the relay activated for xx minutes
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

# to use Raspberry Pi board pin numbers
# set up GPIO output channel
# I/O 11 = Blinks to confirm prog running
#     13 = Driving the relay
GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(13, GPIO.OUT)

# Initialize some program variables
changenum = 0 # tracking number of BT status changes.
Relay_On_Time = # datetime the relay was activated
Number_of_devices = Number_of_devices + 1 # I didn't want to start with array[0]

for jj in range (1, Number_of_devices):
    Device_Status[jj] = " " # Hold the string value "IN" or "OUT" 
    Last_In[jj] =
    Last_Out[jj] =
    Device_Delta[jj] = 0 # Time In or Out for each device in minutes.
# Setup IFFT keys
MAKER_SECRET_KEY = "1234abcdefg-l234abc12"  #this is your IFTTT secret key
print " "
print "Testing LED/Relay/Light..."
for jj in range (0, 5): # blinkie self test LED
    GPIO.output(13, GPIO.HIGH)

    GPIO.output(13, GPIO.LOW)
print "End LED/Relay/Light test."
print " "

print "Preparing for 1st run..."
print "Writing file headers to Google Drive Sheet..."
print " "

# Write header lines for Google Drive file and do some screen prints
url = url = "" + MAKER_SECRET_KEY + "?value1=" + "*"
res = requests.get(url)
url = url = "" + MAKER_SECRET_KEY + "?value1=" + "* Run Conditions are:"
res = requests.get(url)
url = url = "" + MAKER_SECRET_KEY + "?value1=" + "* Devices: " + str(Number_of_devices-1) + "&value2=" + "Scan Interval: " + str(Scan_interval) + " secs." + "&value3=" + "Noise Filter: " + str(Noise_Filter) + " mins."
res = requests.get(url)
url = url = "" + MAKER_SECRET_KEY + "?value1=" + "* Activate ON thresold: " + str(Power_On_Treshold) + " mins" + "&value2=" + "ON for: " + str(Desired_relay_on_time) + " mins."
res = requests.get(url)
#print str(res) + " is web request result for BT device: "   #used only for debug

Status_bar2 = "       Scan Interval:" + str(Scan_interval) + " secs   |  Noise Filter: " + str(Noise_Filter) + " mins."
Status_bar3 = "Activate ON thresold: " + str(Power_On_Treshold) +  " mins  |        ON for: " + str(Desired_relay_on_time) + " mins."
print Status_bar2
print Status_bar3
print "Tracking the following devices:"
print "--------------------------------------------"

t0 =  # for timestamp math. t0 is the time the program run started
First_run = 1   # always log intitial status for 1st run
Log_Deactivated = 0
runtime = - t0   # track how long the program has been running.

while True:  # Main loop forever, and ever...
    # First check to see if the relay should be turned off   
    Should_relay_be_off = - Relay_On_Time
    Should_relay_be_off = round(Should_relay_be_off.seconds/60.0,1)  # in minutes
    if (Should_relay_be_off >= Desired_relay_on_time):
        GPIO.output(13,GPIO.LOW) # Turn OFF the relay
        if (Log_Deactivated == 1):
            Log_Deactivated = 0
            url = url = "" + MAKER_SECRET_KEY + "?value1=" + "* Relay DEACTIVATED."
            res = requests.get(url)
            print " "
            print "   Relay DEACTIVATED " + " at " + time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
    for check_device in range (1, Number_of_devices):
        # Check to see if BT device is in range
        result = bluetooth.lookup_name(Device_ID[check_device], timeout=5)
        if (result != None):           
            Device_Delta[check_device] = - Last_Out[check_device]
            Device_Delta[check_device] = round(Device_Delta[check_device].seconds/60.0, 1) # In minutes
            Last_Out[check_device] = 
            Device_Status[check_device] = "IN.  Hours OUT was: "
            #GPIO.output(11,GPIO.HIGH) #Red RGB on  [debug statement]
            # A device is coming back IN. Should the relay be activated?
            if (Device_Delta[check_device] >= Power_On_Treshold):  # then turn on relay
                Relay_On_Time =
                GPIO.output(13,GPIO.HIGH) # Activate relay
                url = url = "" + MAKER_SECRET_KEY + "?value1=" + "* " + Device_name[check_device] + " has ACTIVATED relay."
                res = requests.get(url)
                print " "
                print Device_name[check_device] + " has ACTIVATED relay at " +     time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
                Log_Deactivated = 1 # Flag to log/print when the relay is DEACTIVATED   
            Device_Delta[check_device] = - Last_In[check_device]
            Device_Delta[check_device] = round(Device_Delta[check_device].seconds/60.0, 1) # In minutes
            Last_In[check_device] = 
            Device_Status[check_device] = "OUT   Hours IN was: "
            #GPIO.output(11,GPIO.LOW) #Red RGB off [debug statement]
        # Print/Log only BT connection changes that exceed Noise_Filter value
        if (Device_Delta[check_device] >= Noise_Filter):    # comparing values in minutes here       
            url = url = "" + MAKER_SECRET_KEY + "?value1=" + Device_name[check_device] + " is " + Device_Status[check_device] + "&value2=" + str(round((Device_Delta[check_device]/60.0),4)) # Write Delta as Hrs
            res = requests.get(url)
            #print str(res) + " is web request result for BT device: "   #used only for debug
            changenum = changenum + 1
            runtime = t0
            Status_bar1 = "Runtime:" + str(runtime) + " | Status changes:" + str(changenum)
            Status_bar2 = "       Scan Interval:" + str(Scan_interval) + " secs   |  Noise Filter: " + str(Noise_Filter) + " mins."
            Status_bar3 = "Activate ON thresold: " + str(Power_On_Treshold) +  " mins  |        ON for: " + str(Desired_relay_on_time) + " mins."
            # Print BT device status to CRT
            print " "
            print time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
            print Status_bar1
            print Status_bar2
            print Status_bar3
            print "-----------------------------------------------"
            print str(check_device) + ": " + Device_name[check_device] + " is " + Device_Status[check_device] + str(round((Device_Delta[check_device]/60.0),4)) # Write Delta as Hrs

        if (First_run ==1):  # log to Google Sheets/print the intitial status of the tracked devices
            url = url = "" + MAKER_SECRET_KEY + "?value1=" + Device_name[check_device] + " is " + Device_Status[check_device] + "&value2=" + "1ST RUN STATUS."
            res = requests.get(url)
            #print str(res) + " is web request result for BT device: "   #used only for debug
            print Device_name[check_device] + " is " + Device_Status[check_device] + "1ST RUN STATUS."
    if (First_run ==1):
        print " "
        print "Tracking begins at: " +     time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
        print " "
    First_run = 0 # no longer 1st run
    # Inverts or 'blinks' the LEDS every .5 secs to confirm program is running
    # Delay until next scan of BT device status.
    for jj in range (0, Scan_interval):    
        GPIO.output(11,GPIO.HIGH) #FLASH Red RGB on
        GPIO.output(11,GPIO.LOW)   #Red LED Off
    for jj in range (0, 10):  #Quickie flack of red LED to show new scan starting
        GPIO.output(11,GPIO.HIGH) #FLASH Red RGB on
        GPIO.output(11,GPIO.LOW)   #Red LED Off

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Graphing Current Drain of the Sparkfun BadgerHack

Sparkfun had a nice booth at SXSW in Austin that let you build and walk away with their BadgerHack project.  Very generous and Thanks!  Also at the booth were some of the 'moviestars' often seen on their YouTube channel.  It was great to meet a few of them.

I was curious about the current drain of all those LEDs dancing on the display.  I had access to a Keithley 2461 SourceMeter/SMU which makes it easy to run the experiment.  The video below tells it all. 

Thanks again, Sparkfun!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Low Cost Servo Motor Tester from eBay

For about a $1.50 USD eBay sellers will ship out to you the servo tester pictured above.   It's an amazing value to let you verify that the cheap servo you also got from eBay even works.  It's also great to help understand the MIN, CENTER, and MAX positions for any servo based RC or uC project. 
Basically, servos motors are controlled by receiving pulse train signals.  The eBay servo tester is capable of producing this required pulse train.  Jameco has an easy to follow tutorial.  The image below shows that a 1mSec pulse width sends the servo full left.  1.5mSec centers the it.  2mSecs move the servo full right.  Jameco explains it all very well.
The servo tester has three setting:
     MANUAL: allows the servo position to be adjusted with a knob.
     CENTER:   sets the servo to it's center position
     SWEEP:     continually sweeps the servo from it's MAX to MIN position (forever)

Connection is simple.  One side of the servo tester is for power.  The other side is where the servo under test conveniently plugs in.
So.... let's use a Tektronix MSO5104B oscilloscope to look at the output of the servo tester and see what the heck is going on.  In the screen shot below the servo tester control knob is set to full left (minimum).  Sure enough, the pulse width as measured by the scope is 915uSec.  That's pretty darn close to the 1mSec width in the drawing above.
With the knob set to full right (maximum) the scope cursors show a pulse width of 2.14mSec; pretty close to the ideal 2mSec in the drawing.
Using the MSO5104B oscilloscope to zoom out on the signal we can see that the pulses repeat steadily every 20mSec.  If you check the tutorial at Jameco you will know that is exactly what is expected.
Conclusion:  Splurge the $1.50 USD and treat yourself to this handy device.  It really helps to verify that a servo is actually working and in setting the movement limits on your project.  Below are two short videos of the servo tester in action.

Here a short video where I use a Tektronix AFG3252C to send the control pulses to the servo.  The AFG3252C has infinitely more flexibility, but cost a few dollars more than the eBay option.
Thanks for stopping by.  Build something.