Monday, July 8, 2019

WIll a High Voltage arc kill this USB thumb drive?

We had a 'taser' and an old 64Mb USB stick on the desk and just had to know.   The 60 second video tells all.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Ham Radio HT turns CW (Morse) Transceiver

Note:  As presented this project requires a FCC Amateur Radio license.  Amateur Radio is about experimentation.   Even still you must be versed in the band plan, stay away from local repeater stations, stay in accordance to FCC Amateur Radio rules in FCC Section 97, and probably a few other things.  That said, let's continue....
There was talk between the CW operators at the club to have some CW practice sessions or a CW Net on 2M FM.  We will probable never do that (for several reasons) but the idea of converting a ham radio HT into a CW transceiver was an interesting thought project.
Really not much explanation needed; just connect as shown above.  This project uses an electronic keyer, but a simple straight key/oscillator combo could also be used.  Oh... and you will also need to know Morse Code.
Here's the rig in action:

Sunday, April 21, 2019

CW Key via USB Port for RemoteHam.Com Operation

Note:  As presented this project requires a FCC Amateur Radio license.  Amateur Radio is about experimentation.   Even still you must be versed in the band plan, stay away from local repeater stations, stay in accordance to FCC Amateur Radio rules in FCC Section 97, and probably a few other things.  Also, you will be a guest on a remote ham radio station owned by someone that is nice enough to let you enjoy their (often very impressive) rig.  Adhere to the guidelines they post when you log into their station.  It's their station; they make the rules.  Be a good guest and everyone has fun!  That said, let's continue....
We have been wanting to experiment with remote ham radio operation for awhile now.  This weekend band conditions were poor so I was dreaming of having a more expensive and better amp/antenna setup.  This was a great excuse to give RemoteHams.Com a try.  After signing up and installing the Remote Client software I was presented with 100s of rigs to choose from all over the World.  I was amazed.
I somewhat randomly selected the rig of N4GYN.  This was great because I was greeted by Ray and after a brief online chat he verified my license and gave me permission to transmit!
Ray's station lets you operate phone using a headset plugged into your PC's USB port.  The headset part for phone is easy; most any USB headset will do.  However, we only had an interest in operating CW (Morse code).  Ray's rig lets you do that from your PC keyboard by just typing in what you wanted to send.  But, we wanted to use a traditional key.
Here's how we did it:  You can set this up for paddle or straight key operation.  Since we had a cheap straight key not being used we went with that.  What you see in the image at the top of the page is the straight key wired into a USB to RS232 serial port adapter like so:

with the Remote Rig setting as:

On our very first CQ we had our very first remote station manual CW key QSO with NA5N who was 3W QRP from Colorado!!!  If you are wishing you had a better station or you have QTH restrictions consider giving RemoteHams.Com a try.

Friday, April 5, 2019

7 Segment 4x4 Random Word Display

This is primarily a variant of the "Four Letter Word Clock" that we modified after getting tired of Daylight Savings Time making us push a few buttons twice a year to correct the time.  Actually, the project is more entertaining now.

The "Four Letter Word Clock" project page provides the BOM and schematics.  We left the Real Time Clock (RTC) implementation in the source code below, but it is not needed as a RTC is not used.

We were able to put 1,002 four letter words into the EPROM,  Since we display two four letter words selected at random that is over a million possible combinations.  The PICAXE random number generator is seeded by doing an analog read on an ADC open pin; basically we read 'noise' and use that for the seed.  It's pretty random, but I don't expect the method to be used in Vegas slot machines
It's interesting to see the combinations produced by the rig.  Bored?  Watch this 4 minute demo:

It's a fun build.
The PICAXE source code is:
 ***** www.WhiskeyTangoHotel.Com  *****
    Project Name: 4Letter Word Clock

    Start Date: August 2012
    Program Rev History:
       March 2019.  Now called "4Letter Word by 4Letter"
     Tired of the simple two time/year DST change
     so we changed to format to display to random 4 letter
     words side by side.  The words are now random and not sequintial.



;LKM1638 Input pin 3 (CLK)      ---> 18M2 c.0 LEG 17
;LKM1638 Input pin 4 (DIO)      ---> 18M2 c.1 LEG 18
;LKM1638 Input pin 5 (STB0)     ---> 18M2 c.2 LEG 1

;24LC156 EERPOM WP (Write Protect) GND
;24LC156 EERPOM SDA          ----> 18M2 b.1 LEG 7
'24LC156 EERPOM SCL           ----> 18M2 b.4 LEG 10

#picaxe 18m2
#no_data    'do not read internal 18M2 EEPROM

dirsc = 010111        ;c0, c1, c2, c4 as output
symbol clock    = c.0    ;Clock output pin
symbol dio        = c.1    ;Data input output pin
symbol strobe    = c.2    ;Strobe output pin

' s1 thru s8 are the tact swithes under the single RED/Green LEDs
symbol s1        = bit16 ;b2        'to set hours
symbol s2        = bit17 ;b2        ' to set minutes - both to set seconds
symbol s3        = bit18 ;b2
symbol s4        = bit19 ;b2
symbol s5        = bit20 ;b2
symbol s6        = bit21 ;b2
symbol s7        = bit22 ;b2
symbol s8        = bit23 ;b2    'toggle to turn on and off the ticker relay

symbol dataio    = b0 ;w0 and bit 0 to bit 7
symbol pad        = b1 ;w0 and bit 8 to bit 15
symbol iobuf    = w0 ;b0, b1
symbol keys        = b2 ;bit16 to bit 23
symbol fixaddr    = b3 ;start address for DE display

symbol Segment4LEFT    = b4  ;Rightmost 7 seg, LEFT Side
symbol Segment4RIGHT     = b5  ;Rightmost 7 seg, RIGHT Side
symbol Segment2LEFT    = b6  ;Leftmiddle 7 seg, LEFT Side
symbol Segment3LEFT    = b7  ;Rightmiddle 7 seg, LEFT Side
symbol Segment2RIGHT    = b8  ;Leftmiddle 7 seg, Right Side
symbol Segment3RIGHT      = b9  ;Rightmiddle 7 seg, Right Side
symbol Segment1LEFT      = b10 ;Leftmost 7 seg, LEFT Side
symbol Segment1RIGHT    = b11 ;Leftmost 7 seg, Right Side

symbol char        = b12
symbol bank        = b13
symbol tmpry     = b14
symbol dispbrit    = b15
symbol autoaddr    = b16
symbol readmode    = b17
symbol tmpry2    = b18
symbol EEPROMChar = b19
'w10 (b20/21) = used to read var from EEPROM
symbol LEDTicker  = b22

symbol seconds = b23 ' vars for RTC
symbol minutes = b24
symbol hours = b25
symbol blinky = b26 'for RTC 010000 would Enable output at 1Hz blink rate.  000000 is no blink
symbol junkread = b27 'used to read/write RTC day, month, year, date.  Also as a temp var in time set adjust routines

fixaddr        = $c0
dispbrit        = $88    '$88 (136DEC)  min bright.   $8F (143DEC) max bright
autoaddr        = $40
readmode         = $42

high strobe            ;Ensure strobe is initially high
gosub clearchars        ;Clear all characters
blinky = 010000 ' 010000 would Enable output at 1Hz blink rate, start w/ relay click ON..  000000 is no blink.

' Set the time on the DS1307 RTC
i2cslave %11010000, i2cslow, i2cbyte    ; set PICAXE as master and DS1307 slave address
pause 50
'\/ \/ \/ \/ Un_REM THESE LINES (BELOW) IF SETTING UP A NEW RTC  \/ \/ \/ \/
' Set the RTC chip time
;  write time and date e.g. to 11:59:00 on Thurs 25/12/03
'; would be "writei2c 0,($00, $59, $11, $03, $25, $12, $03, 010000)"
' readi2c 0, (b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7) reads back the data

let hours = $19        ; 01-12 Note all BCD format
let minutes = $11         ; 00-59 Note all BCD format  
let seconds = $10    ; 00-59 Note all BCD format

; program does not use for we use seconds.  Set manually in the write statement
' for SQ Wave out on RTC.  Last val: 010000 would Enable output at 1Hz blink rate.  000000 is no blink

writei2c 0, (seconds, minutes, hours, 01, 01, 01, 01, blinky)
pause 50

'/\ /\ /\ /\ Un_REM THESE LINES (ABOVE) IF SETTING UP A NEW RTC  /\ /\ /\ /\


'I have laid out the 8 segments in the display as:

'| Segment1LEFT | Segment2LEFT | Segment3LEFT | Segment4LEFT | Segment1RIGHT | Segment2RIGHT | Segment3RIGHT | Segment4RIGHT

    ;Segment Values                0-9   = ( 0 , 1,  2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7, 8 , 9,
    '                              10-19 =   A , b , C , d , E , F , g,  H, i,  J,
    '                              20-29 =   K,  L,  M,  N,  o,  P,  q,  r, S,  T, 
    '                              30-35 =   U, V, W,  X,  y,   Z ,
    '                              36-44 =   segA, segB, segC, segD, segE, segF, segG, dp, off)

'the 'gosub display' routine expect 8 values; SegmentxLEFT and SEGMENTxRIGHT coded as
'lookup values shown in the rem above.

' At Startup turn the clicky relay on.  S8 button will turn it off
blinky = 010000
i2cslave %11010000, i2cslow, i2cbyte
writei2c 0, (seconds, minutes, hours, 01, 01, 01, 01, blinky)


if s1 = 1 or s2 = 1 or s8 = 1 then 'setting the clock time or relay ticker
    if s1 = 1 and s2 = 0 then 'setting hours
        junkread = junkread + 1
        if junkread > 23 then
            junkread = 0
        end if
        lookup junkread, ($00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23), hours
         i2cslave %11010000, i2cslow, i2cbyte
        writei2c 0, (seconds, minutes, hours, 01, 01, 01, 01, blinky)
        pause 10
    endif ' s1 = 1, setting hours
    if s2 = 1 and s1 = 0 then 'setting minutes
        junkread = junkread + 1
        if junkread > 59 then
            junkread = 0
        end if
        lookup junkread, ($00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$40,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48,$49,$50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57,$58,$59), minutes
         i2cslave %11010000, i2cslow, i2cbyte
        writei2c 0, (seconds, minutes, hours, 01, 01, 01, 01, blinky)
        pause 10
    endif 's2 = 1, setting minute
    if s1 = 1 and s2 = 1 then 'reset seconds to 00
        seconds = $00
        i2cslave %11010000, i2cslow, i2cbyte
        writei2c 0, (seconds, minutes, hours, 01, 01, 01, 01, blinky)
        pause 10
    endif 'settin seconds to zero

    if s8 = 1 then ' turn on/off the clicking relay
        'read the RTC to dected the seconds for the write to RTC below keeps them accurate
        i2cslave %11010000, i2cslow, i2cbyte    ; set PICAXE as master and DS1307 slave address
        readi2c 0,(seconds, minutes, hours, junkread, junkread, junkread, junkread, blinky)
        pause 10
        if blinky = 010000 then 'blinky from RTC is ON and clinking the relay. turn it OFF
            blinky = 000000
        else              'blinky from RTC is OFF and NOT clinking the relay. turn it ON
            blinky = 010000
        end if
        i2cslave %11010000, i2cslow, i2cbyte
        writei2c 0, (seconds, minutes, hours, 01, 01, 01, 01, blinky)
        pause 500
    end if

else ' not settign the clock, check for brightness adjust and run as normal; so read a new 4letter word
    if s7 = 1 then 'increase brightness
        dispbrit = 140 'other values cause random LED7 behavior
    end if

    if s6 = 1 then 'decrease brightness
        dispbrit = 136   ' 136 is min bright
    end if   

sertxd (#dispbrit, 13,10)
    'Get SegmentxLEFT values for clock by reading the RTC
    i2cslave %11010000, i2cslow, i2cbyte    ; set PICAXE as master and DS1307 slave address
    readi2c 0,(seconds, minutes, hours, junkread, junkread, junkread, junkread, blinky)
    pause 10
    gosub ReadEEPROM  ' read the four letter word.  These are loaded into SegmentxRIGHT vars
    gosub Ticker    'ticks thru the R/G LEDs to show seconds

'Segment1LEFT = hours & %11110000 / 16  'BCD so shift upper 4 bits to lower 4 bits
'Segment2LEFT = hours & 001111

'Segment3LEFT = minutes & %11110000 / 16   'BCD so shift upper 4 bits to lower 4 bits
'Segment4LEFT = minutes & 001111

gosub display   'Put the SegmentxLEFT and SEGMENTxRIGHT characters onto the 7 seg displays.

gosub getkeys        ;Read tact buttons
goto main

Ticker: 'ticks thru the R/G LEDs to show seconds by cycling through each LED address

junkread = seconds & %11110000
junkread = junkread / 16 * 10
seconds = seconds & 001111
seconds = junkread + seconds

lookup seconds, (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,15,15,15,15), dataio

dataio = dataio + fixaddr    ;LEDs are at odd addresses 1 to 15
junkread = dataio   'used to turn off LED later in this sub
low strobe
gosub sendchar

LEDTicker = LEDTicker + 1

if LEDTicker = 2 then
    LEDTicker = 1
end if

dataio = LEDTicker  'Light the LEDs.  1 = RED.  2 = GREEN.  3 = R/G
gosub sendchar
high strobe

'Turn off LED here
dataio = junkread   
low strobe
gosub sendchar
dataio = 0   '0 turns off the currently selected LED
gosub sendchar
high strobe;

dataio    = dispbrit        ;Display control on, brightness level
low strobe                 ;Strobe low
gosub sendchar
high strobe                ;Strobe high

return 'Ticker

'24LC256 EEPROM is loaded with 987 four letters words (3948 characters)
'Each character is an address from 0 to 3947
'readi2c addrs, (charvalue)

i2cslave %10100000, i2cslow, i2cword    ; set PICAXE as master and DS1307 slave address

'Read and Translate the char read from the EEPROM for the lookup(.,...), dataio command.
'Read the EEPROM letter then subtract 87 from that ASCII value for the "lookupchar" sub.  Examples:
'ASCII value for a = 97; Lookup in this program value is 10.  So, 97 - 87 = 10
'ASCII value for j = 106; Lookup in this program value is 19.  So, 106 - 87 = 19
'ASCII value for k = 122; Lookup in this program value is 35.  So, 122 - 87 = 35

'Last word in EEPROM is YURT and starts at Location 4008

touch16 B.7, b20 'lower bits w10
touch16 B.7, b21 'w10 upper
'RANDOM number for w10
w12 = w10 // 1003  ; scale it to 0-1002 (4 * 4008 = 4008)
w10 = w12 * 4  ; max is YURT at 4008 start

readi2c w10, (Segment1LEFT)
Segment1LEFT = Segment1LEFT - 87

w10 = w10 + 1
readi2c w10, (Segment2LEFT)
Segment2LEFT = Segment2LEFT - 87

w10 = w10 + 1
readi2c w10, (Segment3LEFT)
Segment3LEFT = Segment3LEFT - 87

w10 = w10 + 1
readi2c w10, (Segment4LEFT)
Segment4LEFT = Segment4LEFT - 87
touch16 B.7, b20 'lower bits w10
touch16 B.7, b21 'w10 upper
'RANDOM number for w10  
w12 = w10 // 1003  ; scale it to 0-1002 (4 * 4008 = 4008)
w10 = w12 * 4  ; max is YURT at 4008 start

readi2c w10, (Segment1RIGHT)
Segment1RIGHT = Segment1RIGHT - 87

w10 = w10 + 1
readi2c w10, (Segment2RIGHT)
Segment2RIGHT = Segment2RIGHT - 87

w10 = w10 + 1
readi2c w10, (Segment3RIGHT)
Segment3RIGHT = Segment3RIGHT - 87

w10 = w10 + 1
readi2c w10, (Segment4RIGHT)
Segment4RIGHT = Segment4RIGHT - 87

pause 1500 'keep the secs LED on and slow down the words

return ' ReadEEPROM


display:    ;Displays data on the 7 seg displays, using 2 blocks of 4 digits

    bank = 0   ;LEFT Side: First block of digits

    dataio    = fixaddr + bank + 0 ;Set Leftmost 7 seg, LEFT Side write address
    low strobe                 ;Strobe low
    gosub sendchar
    char = Segment1LEFT        ;Leftmost 7 seg, LEFT Side
    gosub lookupchar
    gosub sendchar
    high strobe                ;End of data - Strobe high
    dataio    = fixaddr + bank + 2 ;Set Leftmiddle 7 seg, LEFT Side write address
    low strobe                 ;Strobe low
    gosub sendchar
    char = Segment2LEFT        ;Leftmiddle 7 seg, LEFT Side
    gosub lookupchar
    gosub sendchar
    high strobe                ; End of data - Strobe high
    dataio    = fixaddr + bank + 4 ;Set Rightmiddle 7 seg, LEFT Side write address
    low strobe             ; Strobe low
    gosub sendchar
    char = Segment3LEFT    ;Rightmiddle 7 seg, LEFT Side
    gosub lookupchar
    gosub sendchar
    high strobe            ;End of data - Strobe high
    dataio    = fixaddr + bank + 6 ;Set Rightmost 7 seg, LEFT Side write address
    low strobe             ; Strobe low
    gosub sendchar
    char = Segment4LEFT    ;Rightmost 7 seg, LEFT Side
    gosub lookupchar
    gosub sendchar
    high strobe            ;End of data - Strobe high
    bank = 8  ;RIGHT Side: Second block of 4 digits
    dataio    = fixaddr + bank + 0 ;Set Leftmost 7 seg, Right Side write address
    low strobe             ;Strobe low
    gosub sendchar
    char = Segment1RIGHT    ;Leftmost 7 seg, Right Side
    gosub lookupchar
    gosub sendchar
    high strobe            ;End of data - Strobe high
    dataio    = fixaddr + bank + 2 ;Set Leftmiddle 7 seg, Right Side write address
    low strobe             ;Strobe low
    gosub sendchar
    char = Segment2RIGHT    ;Leftmiddle 7 seg, Right Side
    gosub lookupchar
    gosub sendchar
    high strobe            ;End of data - Strobe high
    dataio    = fixaddr + bank + 4 ;Set Rightmiddle 7 seg, Right Side write address
    low strobe             ; Strobe low
    gosub sendchar
    char = Segment3RIGHT    ;Rightmiddle 7 seg, Right Side
    gosub lookupchar
    gosub sendchar
    high strobe            ; End of data - Strobe high
    dataio    = fixaddr + bank + 6 ;Set Rightmost 7 seg, RIGHT Side write address
    low strobe             ; Strobe low
    gosub sendchar
    char = Segment4RIGHT    ;Rightmost 7 seg, RIGHT Side
    gosub lookupchar
    gosub sendchar   
    'must refresh dispbrit each time
    dataio    = dispbrit ;Display brightness level. $88 (136DEC)  min bright.   $8F (143DEC) max bright
    low strobe         ; Strobe low
    gosub sendchar
    high strobe        ; Strobe high

return   'display


clearchars:            ;Clear LEDs and 7 seg displays.  ALL LEDS OFF. Segs and LEDs
    dataio    = autoaddr ; Data mode auto increment
    low strobe         ; Strobe low
    gosub sendchar
    high strobe        ; Strobe high
    low strobe         ; Strobe low
    dataio    = fixaddr ; Set start address
    gosub sendchar
    for tmpry = 1 to $0f    ;$0F = 15, so loop runs 16 times.  7 LEDs and 7 seg displays
        dataio = 0        ;Zero blanks the  display
        gosub sendchar
    high strobe            ;Strobe high, keep low to end of data


sendchar:    ;Routine to send all characters to LKM1638 module serially
    pad        = $ff    ;$FF = 255.  Set counter
    high clock        ;Ensure clock is high for pulseout
      pinc.1 = bit0    ;Make c.1 the value in bit0
      iobuf = iobuf/2    ;Shift right
      pulsout clock,1 '10us clock pulse
    loop Until pad = 0  'excecute 256 times


getkeys:    ;Reads the input tact buttons in and places them in bits16 to bits23
dataio    = readmode    ; Data mode read
low strobe
gosub sendchar
input c.1            ;set c.1 as input
high clock            ;Ensure clock is high for pulseout
for tmpry = 1 to 16    ;Read in bits 0-15
    bit0 = pinc.1    ;Make bit0 the value on c.1. Need to use c.1 as it is both in & out
    iobuf = iobuf*2    ;Shift bit left
    pulsout clock,1    ;10us clock pulse, read next bit
s6 = bit3            ;Move 1st word switch values out of buffer
s2 = bit7
s5 = bit11
s1 = bit15
for tmpry = 1 to 16    ;Read in bits 16-31
    bit0 = pinc.1    ;Make bit0 the value on b.0. Need to use c.1 as it is both in & out
    iobuf = iobuf*2    ;Shift bit left
    pulsout clock,1    ;10us clock pulse, read next bit
s8 = bit3            ;Move 2nd word switch values out of buffer
s4 = bit7
s7 = bit11
s3 = bit15   
output c.1            ;Return c.1 to output
high strobe


lookupchar:    ;Looks up the code to display the digit in 'char' on the 7 seg display
    ;character  0-9   =    ( 0 , 1,  2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7, 8 , 9,
    '               10-19 =         A , b , C , d , E ,  F , g,  H, i,   J,
    '               20-29 =         K,  L,  M,  N, o,   P,  q,  r,  S,  T, 
    '               30-35 =         U, V, W,  X,  y,   Z ,
    '               36-44 =        segA, segB, segC, segD, segE, segF, segG, dp, off)

    lookup char,(63,6,91,79,102,109,125,7,127,111,119,124,57,94,121,113,111,118,16,30,118,56,21,84,92,115,103,80,109,120,62,28,42,118,110,91,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,0),dataio



Monday, February 25, 2019

Ham Radio: Home Brew Fox Transmitter

Note:  As presented this project requires a FCC Amateur Radio license.  Amateur Radio is about experimentation.   Even still you must be versed in the band plan, stay away from local repeater stations, stay in accordance to FCC Amateur Radio rules in FCC Section 97, and probably a few other things.  Even after following all those rules, nobody likes to hear a fox 'screaming' out all the time.  Be courteous, aware of your RF footprint, and keep your transmission power suitable for the cause.  That said, let's continue....

In ham radio speak a fox hunt is a search for a hidden transmitter. We wanted a fox transmitter and decided to go with the "roll your own method" to fill the need.
For our rig we went with things that we had available around the shack.  The major components:
     - Baofeng 2m/70cm HT
               - this is the transmitter
     - Arduino Nano
               - used as a simple timer to control a relay module
     - Relay Module
               - when closed the mic keys and the radio transmits
     - MP3 playback device capable of a continuous loop of an audio file
               - this contains the fox message with must include an FCC callsign
     - Some 1/4 inch phono adapters
     - Alligator clip wire
 Since we don't need a permanent fox, we wanted to be able to break down the rig.  Thus, the alligator clip wire.  On low power transmit the rig's battery can easily last all day.  The Arduino and MP3 player are powered by a USB jump battery.
1st:  Get the simple source code we list below and upload it to your Arduino.

2nd: Create a 'fox message' to transmit from the MP3 player.  We typically go to LCWO and create a CW message like the example in the demonstration video at the top of this page.  You must ID with a FCC callsign.

3rd: Connect it all up like this:

Now you're ready to go.    The metal lanyard attachment point provides a handy "GND" point for the transmit relay.  Select the audio file you want to transmit to continuously loop and press PLAY.  Turn the HT on and power up the Arduino.
At power up the Arduino will go through a Self Test.  The relay will cycle five times and then normal operation will start.  The Fox will only transmit when the relay is closed.  In the source code below the rig is set up to transmit for 20 seconds, then rest for 60 seconds, then repeat.
Pretty simple.  Good luck and enjoy hosting a fox hunt.   Here is the Arduino source code:

 *  Ham Radio Fox Transmitter Control
 *  Requires a ham radio license. 
 *  See:
 *  For our Nano: CH340 drivers, Processor->ATmega328P (Old Bootloader), 57600 baud
 *  See: WhiskeyTangoHotel.Com for built details.
 *  FEB 2019

// Set variables and Output pins
const int Tx_seconds = 20;   // seconds that the fox call will be sent
const long Silent_seconds = 60; // seconds between fox call tx.  Resting time.
const long test_chatter = 5; // turn on and off the relay for self test.  This will key the mic and Tx if connected
const int relay = 2;  // Relay control line.  Close relay to transmit

void setup(void){  //run once
  pinMode(relay, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(relay, 0);  // off power to relay (not in Tx mode)
  // Self test LED and Relay
  Serial.println("Enter Self Test:");
  for (int i=0; i < test_chatter; i++){
    Serial.println("*** Self Test: " + String(i) + " ***");
    Serial.println("Tx Mode ON. LED ON.  Relay CLOSED.");
    digitalWrite(relay, 1);  // Relay CLOSED
    Serial.println("Tx Mode OFF. LED OFF.  Relay OPEN.");
    digitalWrite(relay, 0);  // Relay CLOSED
    Serial.println(" ");

  Serial.println("Self Test complete. Tx is OFF....");
  Serial.println(" ");
} // end void setup

void loop(void){   // loop until killed by sunspot overdose
  // Turn on the Fox Transmitter
  digitalWrite(relay, 1);  // Relay CLOSED

  Serial.println("Tx is ON for " + String(Tx_seconds) + " seconds...");
  delay(Tx_seconds * 1000); // Keep the Tx mode active

  //Turn off the Fox Transmitter
  digitalWrite(relay, 0);  // Relay OPEN

  Serial.println("Tx is OFF for " + String(Silent_seconds) + " seconds...");
  delay(Silent_seconds * 1000);  //  wait for next Fox Tx
} // end main void loop

Tuesday, January 22, 2019